Getting everyone involved is a T1 line?
If you are a potential client who has not even asked what's behind the curtain. Telecommunications companies take care of infrastructure, and takes care of the bill - how it works. No matter if the "big telephone company is tan Cabinet" involved or not - you just want the service. Sure, it's interesting to know how the stuff, and it would be fun to go through some windows in the middle of some cornfield and know that your electrons run through him, butdoes not matter, right? If the price is too high, you're not buying, no matter how the service provided.
To answer the question, a T1 is usually no more than two copper lines, which are converted from analog to digital, with special air conditioning (and signal amplifier, if the distance to be). If you could get your site more than two standard telephone lines, could probably a T1 circuit, without additional construction or ditches. If these additionalThe work would be needed, you have not done this work into account. In our area there are specific solutions for construction determined after the order is granted and the client may cancel the order without any penalty, if additional costs are not acceptable. It is unlikely that the cost of construction before an order can be identified.
Most ISPs charge you get a dedicated connection to the Internet at full speed 1.5 MB. There are local suppliers of Level 2Who purchase a certain amount of a "supplier of connectivity, sell high and sell it. For example, Joe's Telecom" Maybe you buy a 45M DS-3 Internet access from AT & T. A DS-3 has enough bandwidth to 28 circuits T1 support. Joe recognizes that not all of its customers with a full 1.5M forever, it will sell more than 28 T1 circuits - that is overselling. Until looks at his use of the circuit and the bandwidth most orders before CustomerBegins to beat each other, then all is well. But if he, like Comcast, too expensive and heavy, then you have customers, including the power circuit. You want to know if your T1 circuit is access to the Internet backbone, mostly, or if there is Joe concentrator, where it is shared among its customers, are concerned. If the service received by AT & T, Sprint, Verizon, Global Crossing, Qwest, Savvis, Internap, Level 3 and a few others, then you are dedicated. If there is alocal suppliers with a limited service area, it is probably divided bandwidth and the price should be below a specific manufacturer. But .... the quality of a service level agreement (SLA) and QoS (Quality of Service) are defined below.
Compared to a router to mention in your quote requests that are "managed" service, the telecommunications company that you want to tell the router T1 as part of their package are included. The T1 router is different than a typical "broadband"Router would receive in a local electronics store. T1 router with CSU / DSU functionality supports synchronization circuit. Some typical T1 Router Cisco 1841 and 5940 Siemens
A free offer for a quick source of high quality recommended That service is available at (you can find to support more than just T1 if necessary). Word of advice ..... You must provide the exact coordinates (physical address, email, phone number) andsufficient details of the requirements of network / application ..... otherwise they ignore a request like fake. If you use really, what they offer. If you're not serious ..... go elsewhere.
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