
Network Design Process - a network planning and design


Network planning and design methodology describes a process with nine concrete steps and a sequence of these activities. As mentioned, this is a life-cycle engineering, the technical initiatives, such as migration of Windows design and wireless IP telephony-assisted, to name a few. The method starts with the inspection requirements of business. It 'absolutely essential that drivers of business of the company business model, and understand howbe a point of view of the business is growing. This will lay the foundations for a project proposal that the activity, the technical and operational requirements of the company serves.

Step 1: Business

All design project begins with an understanding of what the company does and what they need to achieve in terms of trade. This begins with understanding their business model that truly describes how his company operational and workingbusiness perspective to generate revenues and reduce costs. Many manufacturers have now completed their return on investment (ROI) studies for new implementations, such as unified communications and telephony. This is an effective tool that shows the benefits of cost of sales, compared to investment in a given period.

This is a list of some typical commercial pilots:

• Reduced operating costs

• Generate revenue


• employee productivity

This is a list of some typical business requirements of the project:

• budgetary constraints

• Office Consolidations

Mergers and acquisitions • Corporate

• Business Partner Connectivity

• Access remote teleworker

• Construction of new offices and staff

• Application of New Data Center

• Reduce network downtime costs

• Network costsManagement

• Supplier contracts

STEP 2: Design requirements

Now that you understand the basic business needs of society, you can determine the design requirements for standards and specifications. The requirements process is the definition of requirements from a technical standpoint. These requirements, together with business requirements is the framework that uses the infrastructure to build security and management is to be built. Design requirementsare set to default, and Miscellaneous. The requirements of design standards are general in nature and to make that point of view with design projects. Different conditions are those which are not defined with the standard requirements.

Standard design requirements

• Performance

• Availability

• Scalability

• Compatibility Standards

• Rapid Deployment

STEP 3: Network

A network assessmentcarried out, after we finished the business and design requirements of society. An evaluation of the network provides a quick overview of the existing network infrastructure in an examination, performance, availability, manageability and security. This information is used to produce changes in the recommendations of an effective policy and design recommendations for customer specific information systems. The network model has three assessment activities that sequentialAssessment, analysis and recommendations. The current network is analyzed with five major surveys: the infrastructure, performance, availability, manageability and security. If the investigation is completed, the collected data is then checked for trends, problems and issues that adversely affect the network.

STEP 4: Select Infrastructure

After an evaluation of the network, we are ready to begin the selection of infrastructure components specific to the networkDesign. This phase begins with the construction of infrastructure, with a specific sequence, the effective selection of equipment and design support. It 'important that you check to business needs, requirements and assessment of the network to build the infrastructure.

The following list describes the numbered specific infrastructure components and their order.

First Enterprise WAN topology

According to Campus Topology

Third Model Traffic

Fourth DevicesSelection

Fifth Circuit

Sixth Routing Protocol Design

Addressing Seventh

8th Naming Conventions

Ninth IOS Services

10th Domain Name Service

11 DHCP Service


Now we have a security strategy to ensure the infrastructure. The need for network security company should not be ignored, with the spread of the Internet. Companies are continuing to use the public infrastructure to connectnational and international offices, business partners and new acquisitions. The safety requirements and recommendations of the evaluation network should guide the selection of equipment, protocols and processes. It identifies the activities that must be protected, that users can access and how these facilities are guaranteed.

STEP 6: Strategy Management Network

This section defines a network management strategy for the management of all equipment inInfrastructure and security. You must determine how the equipment will be monitored and to determine whether the current management strategy is appropriate or whether new applications, equipment, protocols and processes must be identified. Management components are then integrated with the infrastructure and security, to finish construction of the proposed project. These primary elements include a strategy for managing well-defined and should be considered when developing your strategy.

• 7Management Groups

• SNMP applications

• monitor the devices and events

STEP 7: Proof of Concept

All the infrastructure, security and management components now have a proof of concept plan will be reviewed. It 'important that the current design, testing, configuration and IOS versions in a non-production or production network with limited interruption. The implementation of the newer network module to a router, for example, might requireTo change the current version of IOS, which is being implemented. Making these changes may affect the campus or WAN router modules installed already in production. This is the real value of this certification and proof of concept that the new equipment and IOS versions integrate with each device and network. The following list describes the advantages of doing a proof of concept with your network design. Proof of concept test results should be considered and used to modify the currentInfrastructure, security and specific management before generating a design proposal. The proof of concept "model proposed here is a prototype, equipment provisioning, control, define test automation scripts and test results at home.

First Prototype Design

According to available equipment

Third Test Set

Fourth build scripts Equipment

Fifth Revision of the test results

STEP 8: Design Proposal / REVIEW

The proof of concept done sixnow ready to build a project proposal for the review meeting of the project. Your target audience was the Director, CIO, CTO, Senior Network Engineer, Consultant or someone approving a budget for the project. It 'important to keep your ideas with clarity and professionalism available. If you need a presentation, PowerPoint slides work well and could be used to support the concepts of the project proposal document. The focus is on such a proposal for a standard design and sequencePresentation of this information.

The project proposal of work submitted to the tests after the removal of all customer concerns proof of insurance Concept. The design review is an opportunity for you, your clients project proposal under consideration, all applications and discuss. It 'an opportunity for the client to identify the problems and issues should be clarified for the designer. Attention is then accept any changes, if necessary, and changes toInfrastructure, security and management before implementation begins. Business and design requirements when the project started, sometimes the changes will require changes to infrastructure, safety and specification management. The changes should then go through the proof of concept test again before changes to the proposed final design.


The last step will give us the definition of implementation for the specified project.This describes a proposed method, the implementation of the proposed project, which have minimal disruption to the production network. How well must be efficient and cost-effectively as possible. As with previous methods, there is a sequence that should be well used.

Once completed, as well as network monitoring for all problems. Design and configuration are also modifications to resolve any problems or concerns. The book NetworkPlanning and Design Guide is available at and

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