
Is the "IronPort" Whitelist actually a blackmail tactic?

It seems that the prophetic prediction Gates' that reducing taxes by e-mail marketing networks and email from Microsoft (MSN and Hotmail) is carried forward on SP * M

According to CIO Today, Microsoft is now employing "IronPort anti-spam technology."

"IronPort" fee "white list" for people who are "mass email" (including newsletter publishers, ezine publishers, affiliate managers, mini-course, operators, and after all who has a list "opt - inE-mail).

If any e-mail if you send a broadcast to everyone on your list, this is for you.

If you want to receive your e-mail programs through their filter, you have to pay a heavy tax and a "Bond".

Here are some facts about its development:

It is estimated that before sending an email a month, a minimum of:

$ 375 registration fee, plus

$ 500 annual fee, plus

$ 500 "Bond payment.

That's only $ 1,375.00in the game.

If you want to see a complete break, go here [https: / / /] fees.jsp

According If you go on a "complaint" threshold of one complaint per month, then are $ 20 from your bond fee for each complaint due to "end" you mean.

Well, that sounds good on the surface, but here is a scenario to try for size:

Your competitor / enemy / Net character "Psycho for 50 to EN ~ mail account with Hotmail e-mail and complain when every monthSend your newsletter.

49 complaints (50-1 appeal is admissible) times $ 20 a complaint comes out to $ 980 in fines.

Now you can dispute the fines? Yes, absolutely!

But what we are losing at the time, energy and effort to refute the allegations? (My guess is much more than that).

You can view all the "rules" here [https: / / /] fees.jsp

Here are the details of the program directly from the horse's mouth ...[Https: / /]

Here's my take on the whole (which fell on me like a thunderbolt from the sky today):

First, do not misunderstand me ... I hate sp ~ m with a passion!

I spend at least an hour a day, fight (three hours a day just a few weeks before shutting down about two dozen e-mails collected by spambots, in recent years).

That said, it sounds like this "" what IronPort and smells to me like "white list"Blackmail.


Here, the basic premise is: "pay for your e-mail through our filters, otherwise you get the risk is not very likely that your e-mails to everyone."

In fact, here is a direct quote from their website * * [https: / / / faqs /] sender.jsp:

"What if I Have to do my e-mail attachment? Taking You are nuts and your ability to spam filters, black lists and bulk folders. Some days all your e-mail Being delivered, other days 30-50% couldbe blocked. "

Kind of reminds you of a movie mafia cheese on TV late at night:

Me: "Hey Bugsy, and if I pay my 'Lace' has happened this month? What happens if I have to stand up to you and refuse to pay?"

Bugsy: "Well, maybe Nothin 'will happen, because the boss does not Payin attention when I tell him that he decided not to pay. On the other hand, maybe I'll just smack you around a bit' ... or maybe - I 'The LEG break with this baseball bat! Go ahead and pay us ...then see what happens! "

Now, back to my question: "Why should I pay a huge fee for e-mail to people who have decided to send in my list?"

The argument from Microsoft (and soon other ISPs) is that the uncontrolled ~ m thick on the net costs to deliver a lot of money no one wants to read e-mail.

Well, if you should not peel the e-mail users out of cash or credit card to their ISPs for email services (paying me my $ 40 a month for cable), or payment for payfree services like Hotmail or Yahoo mail advertising with ads on every page?

I had the impression that we were already paying to receive e-mail ... and the last time I checked, there was no place to put a stamp!

Okay, even if we went and we, the argument that legitimate emailers should pay a fee to come to accept this great "white list" in the sky "to somewhere ... there are still two very important considerations here:

Before First, what about the little guyWho starts really well?

You know, the small newsletter, the publisher puts great ezine or FR-E reports or anything else, and receives a lot of subscribers, and then send regular e-mail?

Let's say you start, $ 20,000.00 per year from their ezine ... now had to pay 6-10% of their income for their messages across? (And that's never been a penalty!)

Should be punished forsuccessful?

Obviously, then, if this system gains wide acceptance by all major ISPs and email providers!

According Secondly, what is the high potential for abuse from the hands of unethical competitors and just plain idiots who populate the Internet!

I know I can hardly believe, but there are out there, the psychopath is recorded for a series of FREE time e-mail account so they can make trouble.

(This is not paranoia, I had a user who has signed, certainlyOpt-in from my site sent the e-mail through a SpamCop address so I got blacklisted by SpamCop, until I could smooth. Oh, and guess who owns SpamCop ... IronPort, that's who!)

Now some idiots Making Waves with 100 email accounts do not put a tooth in the pockets of the largest players in the field of e-mail ... For them, only one operational expenditure will be.

But in the case of the "little man fighting the abuse potential and charges could seriously cripple and evenkill a young company ... and that, in my opinion is a serious problem.

I believe that everything will be, cut the little man and make it easier for large companies in the hell the rest of us by e-mail.

A small newsletter publisher is expensive to pay for the service, and Some big companies will keep pumping the e-mail because Have staff and resources to fight the inevitable complaints.

And let's face it, if a large company isThe payment of $ 10,000.00 a year licensing fee, plus the publication of a $ 4,000.00 bond, how aggressive is that people really IronTrust to do?

In my opinion, not much.

Conclusion: Despite my ranting, I think that this is a step in the right direction (albeit shaky, drunk, and inconvenient step).

Something to do to fight spam.

But at this point that the whole system (in my opinion), too many unanswered questions, especially for uskids.


I really need to do this if I am a small businessman in growth and a newsletter?

What happens if I receive spam complaints unfounded?

At what level financial sense for me to do this?

And if my newsletter is not a source of great profit ... I surrender, I know how to create revenue, just to get through my email?

To their credit apparent, Yahoo! We also pioneer a solution, but this does not seem (at this point)what cost, publishers and subscribers of the money (and I like the sound of that).

But with so much at stake (both sides), this issue is far from a satisfactory solution.

Stay tuned for more updates to justify events ...

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