
Outsourcing is not the answer

Today I saw the advertisement of a company, the U.S. and European clients wanted to outsource to India.

That money outsourcing their customer service, technical support, email support, they want to save chat support requirements are welcome to email me your requirements and I will have that met by centers in India.

Outsourcing is not always the answer

In fact I was setting call center since 1994 for customers in Europe and the United States and never wentIndia or China. Ok, I admit, was an exception. The company opened an office in India and China and our dedicated staff full time as we would in any country. We paid 66% of median income. If the average person has 10,000 to 20,000 per year, our salary was 16 600. Above average but not enough to change the local economy. This was the pay scale in every country the same thing for people below the senior level directors.

Outsourcing in Europe

I live inFrance. I had a client, the director of technical support for one of the largest companies in the world software outsourcing India, wanted, pretty much because he felt that people make.

His project for 400 companies called 'Tier 2 and Tier 3 "call center agents, who were in the context of other certifications for all of Microsoft and Cisco. All agents need to speak English and had about half to speak French.

The decision to call centers has been for me (as if givenall). I went all the due diligence process than you might think, and came back with an opinion, that we failed to maintain the call center agents, as usual, officials moved to the next job, as it pays just a little ' more. I worked in contact with not only the service was, but also agents, which were of technical support calls.

Getting to the Indian Call Center Agents Speak

I decided I needed to speak with actual agents, I asked permission, tech support AddCalls at my expense. The budget was almost bottomless, but the timeline was short, so that was approved. I called a number of technical support for various companies, call centers in India, and if I have someone on the line, I asked that the collection will be rotated out of my privacy. Not that unusual demand, and nobody had a problem with it. I paid for my calls with a credit card and was a staff member to speak freely, it was about what I wanted.

I asked some difficult questions as: HowTo replicate a SQL database in real time on untrusted domains when using earlier versions of Microsoft SQL. I had a solution, a few years ago I had actually worked for this, and because the version of SQL ago I was probably the best product of the new agent.

While working on the problem would be the agent on the conditions in the office, the pay and all other quizzes. Agents were more than happy to chat and he knew that the call was not recorded, werevery honest. An agent told me it was because he moved his work in half because he had a better offer. He just up and left.

Of India on the basis of this steady stream of agents and the inability to service its customers an adequate level.

Eastern Europe

Following this "revival" The team then wanted to create a call center in Poland. Poland was the second highest after India, China, the noise of the Technical Support Director in consultation hadprinting. Poland quickly went bankrupt, the economy was doing well, and that the team hoped to receive 400 agents in English and French would be more expensive that the effort was worth it.

Next - Eastern Europe. Bulgaria and Romania, apparently turned a lot of French, but a combination edition of India, where people respected jobs with little, and the fact that the economy was better was some doubt about the value of long-term Eastern Europe (though this seems betteras the solution in Asia.

North Africa

Because of the history of North Africa, there are a lot of French speakers. I looked at places like Morocco and Tunisia can make for our center. Both countries have offered well-educated people (such as China, India, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria), who were very willing to work. We also saw Algeria, but the country was too unstable.

North Africa lost because of prejudices against the emphasis that the North African people, whetherHe speaks French. Since I American, I found this strange. These countries are former French colonies and Algeria was actually part of France.

Decision time

So, each region had other ideas. There is no savings in the long run, the SAB does not score high-rate, or the injury that we never speak aloud.

What I did was to end to get in touch with a number of French cities, all that high levels of unemployment and universities had in a radius of 50 km.Then we came in contact with local governments and local employment offices.

In "exchange" for our full-time hire 400 employees to do at Level 2 and Level 3 support of the city offices and provided "incentives". An incentive to arrive in France:

use to continue paying unemployment benefits, so that our only company paid the difference between unemployment benefits and negotiated salary. This is 30% to 50% of salary.

Pays little or no socialRates for several years. Social Security may be 50% of basic salary. This means that a salary of 10,000 actually costs the company 15,000. Total salaries and social contributions actually cost 15,000 5,000 (extreme case)

Large print this country and unemployment and help we have native speakers who are happy in the city are, and we know not jump the next bid, because it is not offering many.

In The End

The decision toA delegate to foreign shores is not one to be taken too quickly. Think about what is best for your customers as a whole, not just costs. You may be surprised to find that a call center is more pleasant than their city than anything you could hope to apply in another country.

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