
Microsoft Great Plains Installation Highlights

Latest version of Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 is available on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2000. If you are an older version, there will be, where they can find information and advice. We will start with the architecture of Microsoft Great Plains and the technology inside:

First Application Dictionary. Core DYNAMICS.DIC dictionary, dictionaries and their products are listed in the file Dynamics.set. These dictionaries are interpreted by the application Dex.exe. GP proprietary architectureMicrosoft Dexterity: Dex forms, reports, sanscript fields, strings and other objects, and scripts are stored in the dictionary Dex Dex. We have often asked this question - what is DEX_ROW_ID. The answer - this is the unique identifier required by the internal logic of the Great Plains Dexterity

Second connection to SQL Server. GP talks about MS SQL Server database through ODBC connection. If you are 64-bit Windows platform, this time giving you the 32-bit ODBC DSN

Third SQL ServerDatabases. System Dynamics is database users and security, social definitions, plus currency and multicurrency settings stored in the system among other things the system. Corporate database stores settings, master data, work, open and historical transactions for one legal entity - company. You can install any number of companies in this period. SQL: tables, stored procedures and so-called atomic stored procedures (their names begin with zdp_). GP non-SQLreferential integrity, "integrity" is programmed on the business logic

Fourth Installation process. Before installing copies GP user application with or without GP SQL objects (SQL objects are needed to load and Dynamics enterprise databases when you do, reinstall or start the upgrade process, if this is your purpose) are. GP workstation before you install the server - which allows you to load GP server page faster, but this is not necessary - can be installed firstWorkstation on Vista or XP computer and upload to the server-side distance. If you are installing for the first GP workstation, Great Plains Utilities applications automatically launched to begin installing the server

Other products fifth GP: Project Accounting, Property, Manufacturing, Collection Management are good examples of this - each of these products has its own abilities dictionary file - you can recognize her name through the examination Dynamics.set file

Sixth Additional GP workstation install. By the endUsers who do not install SQL objects, synchronization GP Dynamics GP Utilities dictionary database settings (GL account format)

Seventh Customizing install. If anyone has the Great Plains Dexterity customization for you, which usually offer the so-called skill-Chunk files that you copy the files in the workstation GP, if you start the next time Great Plains, this song files can be integrated (file.avi CNK files will be converted to Dex dictionary and hostingFile added Dynamics.set)

8th Integration Manager installation. IM is currently being ECONNECT (integration tool, which is written in encrypted SQL stored procedures with various interfaces rewritten to be exposed to BizTalk, Web Services, ADO.Net, etc.), so if you decide to install ECONNECT connector is should provide your domain user account security ECONNECT

Ninth Great Plains Software old versions installation notes. If you have largePlains Dynamics 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0 or 7.5, were those comments about Btrieve, later acquired by Pervasive Software and renamed into Pervasive SQL 2000 and Ctre / FairCom. Pervasive / Btrieve client-server version requires you to change settings for SQL Server pervasive, so if you only need single user GP workstation only search operations, you should follow the single-user workstation installation. Both versions have Btrieve and Translation Ctre LocationTechnology, call the site translation, because there is no technical support from Microsoft and is not trivial in its consideration

10th Great Plains Accounting for DOS, MS Windows and Mac This dinosaur support was completed around 2001, although there are migration path to Microsoft Dynamics GP, you should get more discounts on the purchase of GP modules. It makes no sense to try to migrate GPA of GP alone, you should have Great Plains technicalconsultant to do the job migration.

If you are unhappy with GP upgrade, integration, software licenses to help the alarm, please call.

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