The doctor VPN Virtual Private Network VPN Troubleshooting Guide
Here are some troubleshooting guides for specific topics.
(1) the virtual network connection
(2) VPN Troubleshooting Error Messages
(3)-Modem VPN Trouble Shooting Guide
(4) VPN ISP Troubleshooting Guide.
(1) Your Virtual Private Network Connection
Problems connecting to the Internet from home try these steps first aid.
Before you have an IP address? Try ipconfig / all If you do not have aIP address, restart the PC. If this does not work power cycle the cable modem / DSL router and restart the PC after the network equipment and stable. Make sure all your network cable plugged tight.
According After rebooting your PC, check if the network is active and run packages. Run the command ipconfig / all try again.
Third Test your connection by pinging several Internet sites. If this fails, ping the loopback address If this fails,The card can not work or is not configured correctly.
To verify the IP address. From the command prompt type ipconfig / all (as shown), you should get an IP address and multiple DNS servers, see the addresses. The Domain Name System (DNS) is the way that Internet domain names and are translated into IP addresses and the need to surf the Internet.
Ping - loopback test (as shown in photo). The loopback test is used when the control IP stack. If answer out several times, or you receive an error the problem may occur if one or more of the following conditions is met:
* The TCP drivers are corrupted
* The network adapter does not work
* An additional service is in conflict with IP
Check the network adapter, click Start, Settings, Control Panel and select Network Connections. Double-click the LAN connection or wireless card that uses. Ensure that its Connected. If youTo disable network cards, do not use.
Should look at both packages sent and received counters. If the count is received from 0 to verify that the card has an IP address. Select Properties.
Click the check box Show icon and sent down. An icon of two computers in the bottom right of the taskbar tray area is displayed and flashes when sending and receiving packets. You can get the mouse over the icon to the status and clickit comes to details.
Tracert shows the connection path to the destination and the number of jumps. Each hop is the trip from router to router. Tracert is a useful tool to understand where the problems are and to determine the network latency between hops.
Ping is used to determine if a host is present and active in the network and is the Round Trip Time to determine the device. You can use a host name or IP address if you know it. If the application isTime-out then the host is unreachable because it is online or is there a problem with the connection. Try different sites, if not then working for the ping the loopback address Also, if the DNS is working or not configured properly, you can ping the IP address and you can not Navigation on the Internet.
If you have problems with intermittent ping-t for 5-6 minutes, then press Ctrl C, see the test results, if you fallnetwork packets (packet loss). If so, this usually indicates a problem with your ISP or a cable / DSL modem problem. See VPN ISP Troubleshooting Guide
(2) VPN Troubleshooting Error Messages
Q1 error: remote host not responding: Unable to resolve server or IP address of the remote
Cause: This indicates that the Contivity VPN Switch never responded to connection attempt. The problem may be with the Contivity switch itself,(Switches may be later), or your machine can solve a problem, the IP address.
Action: Try your desired destination (eg VPN. If you receive a message that says "Request timed out" by the ping command, call your ISP to ensure that their DNS is working properly.
Q2 error: reached the maximum number of sessions
Cause: This indicates that the maximum number of users for the account currently logged in useon.
Action: If you take into account are the only user with your VPN, you can get the error message When this starts a connection Immediately after the loss of dial-up connection to your ISP. This is because the Contivity VPN Switch takes up to an hour to determine that your connection has been dropped and log into your account.
Q3 error message: Login failed, please check the log switch for more information
Cause: The username or passwordset correctly for the user name.
Action: Check that have entered your username and password again before you try to connect again.
Q4 error: The physical connection is lost
Cause: The connection was disconnected by your ISP.
Action: Reestablish the connection to your ISP before resetting the Contivity connection to the remote network.
Q5 error: The secure Contivity connection has beenlost
This message can result from a number of different reasons, and there are several recommended steps to take to try and re-connect a.
Case (s):
If you receive this error message before the client connects then something blocking a necessary port (such as port of ESP 50). This can occur if the firewall is not configured correctly and the restriction of the port need (s).
If you receive this error during the connection and once the error can meanof the following:
Something before the connection is closed;
According to The Contivity VPN switch, where you tried to connect to their customers down or thought had expired;
Third Your local ISP was doing something that your network connection is interrupted long enough for the Contivity VPN switch responds Identify customers do not;
The fourth Contivity VPN switch, with which you are connected or recorded off the connection or not, the switch respondsor a device that does not support IPSec NAT Traversal caused connection failure.
Measure (s):
First try to restore the Contivity connection by clicking Connect. If it works, the connection was lost probably due to the idle timeout configured on the Contivity VPN Switch. If no data is transferred through the Contivity connection time for a long period of time, 15 minutes or more, the Contivity VPN Switch automatically Connection;
According If you were able to successfully restore the Contivity connection, dial-up can prevent the data traveling between the client and Contivity VPN Contivity VPN Switch. Mount the dial-up and close before attempting to return to the Contivity VPN connection;
If the third pass through the Contivity VPN connection, open a command prompt and try Contivity> VPN switch with the host name or address specified in the Destination field.
(A) If you are an "error message Destination Unreachable" There is a routing problem at your ISP.
(B) If you receive a message "Request timed out" error, Contivity VPN Switch is probably not available, and you should contact your network administrator.
Fourth If you think this message does not connect, then it might indicate that the Contivity VPN Switchno communication with the customer, because it is behind some kind of NAT (Network Address Translation) device. NAT (Network Address Translation) Traversal allows a number of devices on a private network to access the Internet simultaneously without each with its own external IP address. Most hotels and airports that have connectivity to the Internet using NAT to connect to the Internet.
D6 error: can not change the routing table
Cause: The message means that the user, aApplication on your computer or Internet service provider tried to change the routing table via an ICMP redirect attempt, and had no success. The client detects the attempt to make the change, it is certainly a safety issue and switches the client connection. Every time VPN connection can not be a change, the routing table since the VPN client, this time as a security risk and you are the phone is disconnected.
Some applications require an ICMP redirect forWorks like a game or another third party software.
Action: If you receive this error message and try not connect because of an ICMP Redirect to close all other applications that might try to cause the ICMP redirect. If your ISP is doing this, you should block ICMP redirect request. You can see that ICMP Redirect has taken place, seeing a message that you change the address was the IP routing table.
Q7 error message: Receiving text-BannerInformation
Cause: The message means that you will enjoy a banner theme Sock, and a window with the "Received Text Banner" is displayed and then suspended.
Before you disable the firewall completely to test. This is a port 500 issue and often means that there will be a personal firewall blocks that port 500 or through a router you do not support IPSec pass, and the crossing is a switch does not need VPN to connect to the NATactivated.
According When using wireless, wireless temporarily removed from the framework and focus on the Ethernet card. Check the Ethernet speed and duplex parameters, and then make sure that the hub, switch or router that is at the other end has the same parameters. Otherwise, stop the VPN connection as a link goes up and down, or due to a number of errors at the port, or a duplex and speed mismatches.
Third Firewall blocks the connection, so that the systemCrash. (This happens only rarely) NSDF (Norton Symantec Desktop Firewall) and NSPF (Norton Personal Firewall from Symantec, however) can do if you do not trust the IP address of the VPN connection.
If you do not trust the VPN address of the VPN client, firewall, the crash program to run. In your Internet browser click on Tools> Internet Options> Security> Trusted sites> Sites "and add the VPN destination address (es) to your trustsites.
Q8 error message: You already have the maximum number of cards installed
Cause: You can have more than one virtual adapter in your IP Stack
First remove any unnecessary adapters;
According Create multiple scenarios boot, disable the tabs necessary for this function;
Third may also be banners Sock error on Win 95 and 98 units with this condition;
Fourth For more information, see this Microsoft: KB217744:Protocols may involve more than five network cards (copy and paste into the toolbar search> Enter).
Q9 Upgrade error: The following are some errors that may occur when you try 4.65 upgrade / install the Nortel VPN client
Error (1): Unable to get the key value of the registry to NT_IPSECSHM
Cause: This is caused because an important registry keys that can not be found in the registry.
Before Uninstalling and reinstalling the VPNSoftware
Error (2): error of access: Bankruptcy Driver
Cause: The system is usually caused by a no right on your PC or try to install with Admin / use Nortel VPN client operating systems that are older than that.
First make sure you have administrator privileges on your PC.
According Update / Install the latest version of the Nortel VPN client.
Error (3): create socket failed with 10048.
Cause: This problem usually occurs whenhave a different VPN client software installed on your system. The conflict most famous clients are: AOL, Cisco VPN Client (s), SSH Sentinel and PGP.
Before Removing these clients will often solve the problem.
(3)-Modem VPN Trouble Shooting Guide
Q1 is the cable modem support for VPN access?
Yes, you can access using cable modem to the VPN. However, you must observe the following conditions andbe able to work in them:
* Some cable modems require that you log into a network NT to get authenticated.
* Some cable modem uses a VPN client as a client extranet for both and is not the time to run concurrently.
* Some cable modems Contracts / acceptable usage policies specify that you can not use for commercial purposes, or want to charge a different rate of use for commercial purposes. Please read the contract carefully.
* Your Cable ModemISP. Please refer to the VPN-guide.html "ISP Trouble> Shooting Guide for more information.
Q2 Why is my modem seems to make mistakes?
Always make sure you do not let the operating system you choose a generic modem. If necessary, the appropriate Web site for the manufacturer of your modem and go to the INF file updated so that the correct parameters configured for the modem.
Q3 Why do I always seem to have a slower connectionSpeed others with the same modem?
Always check first check your modem configuration, the maximum speed is selected.
And according to 'common when the automatic installation of the modem, the choice is not the highest speed automatic.
Third do not check the box that says only run at full speed.
Q4 I put my modem to the telephone line at a hotel or office customers, and now does not work.
Always check that the phone line when you connectVisit is not somewhere a digital to analog. Connecting to a digital line can cause irreparable damage to the modem, requiring a replacement. To avoid these situations, please contact your local phone site staff support.
Q5 Why can not I have a connection V.90 56Kb some places I go?
Here are some reasons why it could not get a 56K connection:
Before I am more than 3 ½ miles from your telephone companys central office is located(CO).
A second loop system is smooth or subscribers in your area.
Third is a digital telecommunications system that generates a digital-analog conversion and then asked for an analog to digital conversion.
Their fourth line includes digital pads or robbed bit signaling (RBS), which can affect your connection speed.
Your fifth wiring may be of poor quality.
Sixth modem firmware can not be up-to-date. Check if your modem is installed the latest version of the code with all V.90The patch from the vendor's Web site.
Q6 because I do my high speed modem 56K V.90, some NOS?
Here are some possible reasons:
Before a 56K V.90 modem is asymmetrical design with download speeds, where as many as 56, but the upload speed to be 33.6bps. 56k for work, has only an analog-digital (A / D) conversion in the cell cycle locally. So if you have analog modems at both ends, the speed 56k are never as most PSTN exchanges run to achieverouting of digital exchanges.
Some sites use NAG standard analog telephone lines with Cisco and 56k modem, and most PC use a dialup modem that. Between the two modems, it limits the download speed up to about 33.6.
Third Many users may experience connection speeds than for other reasons, the most bad connection. These factors also contribute to the quality and speed of society.
(4) VPN ISP TroubleshootingGuide
If zone Q1 always the message "Unable to use the IP address of remote server. Verify that the hostname is right." If you try to connect to the client extranet.
Try your desired destination (eg VPN. and if not call your ISP to ensure that their DNS is working properly.
Q2 Why do I get no domain available when dialing my ISP?
The Internet service provider (ISP)dial-up. Click the right mouse button and select Properties. Click the Server tab, type and make sure that this is "disabled sign on the network.
Q3 Why do I seem to run slowly through my VPN connection?
Uncheck compression software on your Internet Service Provider (ISP) dial-up connection as a VPN client is its compression. Click the right mouse button and select Properties. Click the Servers tab and typeClear
Q4 keep getting busy signals when trying to connect to my ISP, what should I do?
Contact your ISP to the numbers that you try to connect. Often you will notice that you can provide an alternate work so well is not yet published. Otherwise, you may need to find another ISP that offers better service.
Q5 When configuring your dial-up icon for my ISP I have set the settings of the DNS / WINS?
The ISP should provide you with the offerDNS / WINS settings for dial-up. Most DNS enough, in this case, leave the WINS settings.
Q6 because when I load the Extranet Client on my PC and WinPoET installed on my machine hangs or not working properly?
There are problems WinPoET software runs on PC with the Nortel Extranet (VPN) client.
To begin to repair the system in safe mode and uninstall the software WinPoET.
A simple solution is to install LinksysBEFSR41 hardware router. It has a firmware PPPOE connector, which WinPoET removed from the PC and has the added benefit of a NAT firewall with the ability to connect up to three other PCs.
A second option is for customers to find a PPPoE client does not interfere with the VPN.
Please consult your doctor for more details and VPN Picture Guide.
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