
Sales calls - you use your time wisely

Sales calls are an art form. Many new IT consultants have to sell something than ever before. For the uninitiated, sales calls are intimidating. Getting the right perspective for sale understanding of possible outcomes, you're on your way to an expert in sales.

The number one trick to sell sales pitch.

Are you a sales call the trick is in it, "leading customer decision. They ask questions that almost tempted to rent aYou. This is a completely different dynamic than when you go during the sales process. A system of effective sales slide has the authority to accept.

With every sales pitch you have one of four results (two good, two bad) as follows:

Clients' needs, many sales calls to emergency services. It 'something that must be broken, repair. You can fix it immediately, and shows the client know what you do, younice, and you are trustworthy. It ends with a few hundred dollars in sales is evidence that clients are willing to pay for services.

Client is receptive to IT controls and needs analysis: Here the discussion ends with a sales agreement for further work.

Client is just collecting the brain - the sales pitch is a free consultation in disguise. These people usually have no service for IT professionals and are not about to pay for it. Being onTake-off on these sales calls and cut.

Client is the purchase price: The sales pitch is a call for tenders. You are not really interested in your services, they just want to know what is the cost, you could do that you need to do so.

Bottom line on sales calls

Sales calls are part of the business. Some will fail, others are a waste of time. The most important things to remember (1) does not in itself difficult to sell to you customers can come toYou, and (2) search for the type of sales you receive a call. Use this information to determine next steps and how long you hang around.

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