Cisco CCNA, CCENT, and CCNP Practice Exam Questions - STP, BGP Route Reflectors, and more!
We test your knowledge of STP, BGP, network models of Cisco and other important certification exam topics!
CCNA and CCENT exam:
The length of the sections, the STP will be determined by the Forward Delay?
Block A.
B. Listening
C. Learning
D. Forwarding
Answer: B, C. The Forward Delay value determines the length of the two states of listening and learning. For any change in the Forward Delay value to be effective, amendments mustdone on the main deck.
CCNP Certification / BSCI exam:
A route reflector receives a route from an eBGP peer. To whom will the RR send this update?
A. All clients and nonclients RR.
B. All RR clients only.
C. All nonclients only.
D. no clients or nonclients as RR are only iBGP route reflection.
Answer: A. When an RR receives a route from an external BGP peer, the RR clients will send the update to all itsand every nonclient peers.
CCNP Certification / BCMSN exam:
What should I do before installing a switch in a network through its revision number?
A. Make sure the revision number is one.
B. Verify that the revision is zero.
C. Make sure it has no revision number.
D. No action is required on the revision number.
Answer: B. This is particularly true when the switch was previously used in another network.
CCNP Certification / ISCWConsideration:
Briefly describe the purpose of the Cisco IOS Resilient Configuration.
Answer: This great new feature allows Cisco routers to quickly eliminate more than a re-Cisco IOS configuration files. The flexible configuration is a copy of the IOS, which literally can not be erased by an intruder. This copy of IOS is held in Flash. In the original IOS is deleted, the backup of the IOS can be used to boot from a ROM Monitor (ROMmon)Mode.
CCNP Certification / ONT Exam:
E-commerce as part of as part of the Enterprise Composite Network Model?
A. Enterprise Campus
B. Core Switching
C. Enterprise Edge
D. Service Provider Edge
Answer: C. E-commerce is part of the Enterprise Chamber board of this particular model.
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