

The review of other network equipment. Both run the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance is well known, the CSD-5 and AIP, the AIP SSM-10. These two concepts are built slightly different, but have the same reasons. Rapidly deployable and manageable, allow small businesses, remote offices, telecommuters and business environments to minimize the operation. All features such as firewalls, Intrusion Prevention, Anti Virus, worm scans from malwareSecurity.

The SSM-10 is rack-mountable, while the cheapest SSC-5 is an external hardware. The SSC-5 has a total area of an expansion slot, and an Intel Celeron 1.60 GHz processor, 256 megs of RAM, 64 MB of flash memory, a firewall throughput of 150 Mbit / s, while the throughput of VPN 100 Mbit / s, capable of handling 10 VPN peers, 2 SSL VPN peers. IPSec face with features SSM-10, SSC-5 seems weak. While with the same amount of flash memory and RAM,SSM-10 can handle 50 IPSec VPN peers and 50 Web VPN Peers, concurrent sessions running 6k (32K virtualization).

These high quality products would not work over time, in this case, I would not recommend the purchase to obtain new, but sends them to repair, or at least to buy used. prices lead to a dominant second-hand market certainly underestimated, which has yet to show us, it's true potential.

After all, if it is approved, you must verify that this is not somethingLead, and should be seen, but a repaired unit work the same way as a new do. Save the planet!

These high quality products would not work over time, in this case, I would not recommend the purchase to obtain new, but sends them to repair, or at least to buy used. prices lead to a dominant second-hand market certainly underestimated, which has yet to show us, it's true potential.

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