
Communication with customers (1)

Therapists monitor communications, both verbal and nonverbal communication gestures, facial expressions, changes in attitude and alteration of autonomic processes such as breathing or heart rate, etc. This behavior is in measuring, understanding what the customer as the customer unknowingly changed the not valuable verbal behavior in speech and they therefore act as an ongoing commentary on the unconscious thought processes. As their thoughts influence on the> 'S client emotions and these emotions influence the physiology, it is possible a direct connection between what they unconsciously think and see the non-verbal communication.

This is because when we speak, we can not help but non-verbally, what we actually think subconsciously. As a therapist, I look for congruence and incongruence, the mismatch between the verbal and nonverbal communication, there may have conscious and unconscious thoughts, quite differentMotivations. But while the inconsistencies are the measure of understanding they are still useful in determining the appropriate plan or therapeutic interventions, I think it is important not to respond, or is made a decision on a mismatch, but look for patterns. One example discussed was forme in which customers about their childhood experiences of abuse in a monotone delivery, but body language and micro expressions of disgust at odds with the tone and content ofDelivery.

In determining whether the customer understands what I said, I have to measure these verbal and nonverbal signals, how effective I am in communication. I think that the promotion of client summarize what we know of that have renewed talk before, during and ending a session that helps me to measure their understanding and refine my communication with the customer, was achieved by an effective level of communication. Non-verbal communication is moremore important than verbal communication because of this, the unconscious, the access to more information to be given the awareness that verbal communication is directed. Thus, if the non-verbal communication fosters understanding then the understanding is available. This is undoubtedly useful to the customers who say what they think you want to hear, than what they feel. But the verbal content should not be ignored, because it is the mismatch between the content ofverbal and nonverbal communication, the clues about where a problem may lie to.

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