
Mobile Working

To organize the way that people have changed their working life in the last two decades. The explosion of new technology means that work from home, while traveling or anywhere now a viable solution in almost every profession. So that is how they completely changed the way we work come from?

The inexorable march of the Internet --

Imagine a company 20 years ago through its online presence, and in most cases you would have met with a blank stare. Now, do business,You have to be online, and in great style. Instant messaging, WiFi and a wide range of technologies now means that you can access the World Wide Web from anywhere, connect to suppliers, competitors and your staff at the touch of a button.

The revolution really began with the legendary "brick" or first real mobile phone. As the technology improves, mobile phones become smaller, more gadget-rich and affordable for everyone. With the latest generation of "smart phones", the focus haswere from the mobile as a means of social interaction has moved back to their ability to be used as a tool for corporate communications. Now a mobile phone is not only making calls - you can check your mail, send messages, create download pages from the Internet and also tables on the go. Commuting is not only spent time trying the crossword on the train now, it is an essential part of your workday.

The belief that a greater proportion of employees in the United Kingdom would work fromHome in the 21 Century has begun to come true. Computers are no longer cumbersome monolith that the inclusion of an entire room. Lightweight laptops and PDAs (personal digital assistants) to give you all the features of a tower unit, but have the great advantage of being mobile. All your Office documents can now in a flight bag and travel around the world adjust to create the ultimate "mobile office".

The force behind the technology

All of these modernHardware - your laptop, your smartphone and Bluetooth headset - is nothing without the infrastructure connecting them. And it is this infrastructure that is the real power behind mobile working. Internet connections are no longer dependent on a phone line and an external modem. The advent of digital networks means that as long as you have the access code, you can plug into the Internet at any place that has a WiFi network. A large number of mobile devices are WiFi-compatible. UnlikeBluetooth, however, its use is not limited to the connection of up mostly consumer goods such as simple mobile phones. It can be used to network up entire office and provide internet access (often referred to as "hotspots" nearly) everywhere - even outside. WiFi can transfer up to 54 Mbps, which exceeds the speed of many cable networks in offices.

At home, you have a few additional options that can work as a network a "virtual office" system. An extranet is a way humansAccess to critical information using an Internet browser. It acts as a private network, allowing you to share certain parts of the information or operations with people such as customers, customers, suppliers or employees, regardless of your location.

The alternative is a virtual private network (VPN), which will provide a secure way to remotely access your network to other offices or individuals. Unlike systems of linking offices through phone lines, a VPN uses the Internet andEncryption technology. This means it is extremely safe, easily accessible and relatively cheap.

As international borders become meaningless in a technological age, the Internet has created an entirely new way of doing business - through mobile working. This technological revolution will continue over the next 50 years, creating a very different business landscape that have gone before, and bound as technology advances, new and more effective ways of changing the way people workto change the landscape even further.

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