
Proximity to customers and the impact on the internal organization - An Article Publishing Example

Article Marketing is like a real business, there are workers or self-employed and professionals (authors), the publishing system and the editors (), together the internal organization and there are ... the customers (the readers). The goal is to have satisfied customers.

And it is always a problem. For example, the article-parts problem. This is a normal business problem. An organization should arrange their transactions between internal efficiency and external requirements (Client)Claims.

The employee (the author)

Some authors write their articles in parts, for example - "How is your presentation (1) color with the first part of" How to create your presentation (2) Color "followed the second part. It could also be a third part. This is what I personally like about these sequels that if I think it's something more to say on the subject, I just add another article in the same order. At what point in time.


The problem is that there may be a delay between items and part of the second part. The article is placing the items in a specific order. Like a normal library is the Item list of the order of articles per author and an alphabetical order, but (unlike a normal library), this is not visually for the reader, yet the parts are interconnected.

The client (the reader)

It seems that objects - as they are pureContent - are mainly found by the search engines. In this case, it is possible that a customer an item that is in the middle of a row - for example, the reader Article two (2) does not get to know that there are many more articles hits. In this case, the reader is in the middle of a short story that will continue, but he did not know where to follow her.

The solution

What you see generally in the business is that employees are guidedBy limiting the system. In many cases, there is a kind of an information system and how each system they are increasingly restricted in their functionality, since these systems are too expensive to be solved all sorts of exceptions. The system leads the organization in these (and many other) cases.
The author presents in this case should learn his or her items cut into separate sections begin and end with a unique and. The training required, but also require that"Broken" to receive articles rejected by the editors. Thus, the internal efficiency is reduced.

Or should the system be tailored to the needs of both workers and the client. In this case, the system to continue search and a little button with the text - "you should continue reading the next part," or "read the previous part." This is an expensive solution.

In order to solve questions like these, you need to switch between the internal efficiency and external client balanceClaims. Most of the time you end up somewhere in the middle.

© 2006 Hans Bool

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