What is Multi-Protocol Label Switching, MPLS?
To understand, MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching), you must first know that there is no service, but a technique. This technique will be used for the sending of such services as IP VPNs, Metro Ethernet and optical services. While airlines design network backbones to acquire the appropriate MPLS MPLS services companies are not named, but by the name of IP-VPN, Metro Ethernet, or other designations in the industry decides to go, they label at the time.
Labeling packages are the most important conceptbehind MPLS. Standard IP networks, routing decisions independently from each router where the packet each time you send the packet arrives at the router. This decision is entirely in the packet network-layer header.
When a packet enters the network, it is with a certain Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC) that a short sequence of bits) (label to the package shall, by vote. Tables for each router in the network will then be used to identify how the packets of a particular FECKind should be treated. Header analysis is no longer necessary when the packet enters the network. Instead, a new FEC is made every time the label of the routers used to index into a table.
Tables provide an MPLS (networking logical sort packages to their individual qualities that means) the parcels from certain ports, or packets with data for specific applications. During a challenging task, carrying packages in real-time traffic information (ie, language) and video can be given prioritycompared to other applications by adding them to low-latency routes within the network. It is important to remember is, labels are for the "connected" to learn more about each package than what the router was originally used.
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