
Timeshare Telesales Techniques - introductions that immediately connect with your customers

There are, for many types of telemarketing jobs in the timeshare industry, produces data with telephone surveys and qualify leads for flying buy sell in-house sales team, either, as for the first time buyer or an owner other upgrades.

One of the hardest jobs in timeshare telemarketing In my opinion, has got to be modernization of the existing owners over the phone. To upgrade an existing timeshare owner, you really have some very effective fact finding I can upgrade toindicating that they really need to buy one more week to get more vacation or points, etc. to get the most out of their vacation property.

If you are in a face to face sales situation and know that your customer's attention for at least an hour or two, then happy days. You are on your vacation enjoying their holiday and you have only to remind them the latest in luxury apartments, the new facilities that will be included in the next year and she remembered how happy they haveinvests in resorts, if they did it, then offer the special deal for existing members, and you usually have to upgrade.

But how do we make of it when you ring your customer over the phone, in the comfort of home and probably aircraft travel away from the luxury resort?

You immediately have their attention and leave for a little fact finding to determine whether they are in a position to upgrade in the first place are not winning. This savesYou hundreds of wasted time on pitching to the wrong people and just finished with excuses and neg-Ing yourself out.

When she forgot the phone, are obsolete with the introduction of the old: "Good morning / afternoon, my name is ... And I am calling from ABC timeshare marketing companies"

This kind of introduction only screams, I am a timeshare telesales person and I would like to sell some more time sharing and is usually the fastest way to end the day with:

"I did notnow the right time "

"I already have a lot of time sharing"

"It is not in the budget, Right Now"

"I'll buy when I'm ready to buy"

You see, you put your customers on the defensive from the start with your opening statement and instead get their attention and the ability to start recording of facts that they are concentrating on designing the fastest way to get rid of you.

These statements are no objections are excuses end, the conversation quicklyas possible.

Instead, you try with: "Is this Mrs. Smith?" "Hello there from ABC Alan how are you?" The key is to make it sound like you have already spoken twice or three times before. Your customer is much more open for an easy conversation with someone who she seems to know personally and will now be concentrating more on trying to remember where you from, rather than get rid of it. This will buy you the time you need to start rolling fact finding and ask ifThey have a holidays booked for this / next year. Are they coming back to their place or via the exchange system? Did they leave all their points for this year and they will not borrow from next year? If there where any improvements or they would personally make the investment or a holiday points system, what would it etc?

You can now start to leave them cautiously admit they would like more vacation or a larger unit, or enjoy the better units and then provide theSolution by taking them a really good deal on a second week or more points ...

You have to stop now, the good old friend who helped them once rather than just another telesales rep and you can ask for transfers and your cold calling.

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