
Why EHR About EMR


At a time when time is ticking faster than ever before, speed and information at our fingertips is a necessity. The current mode of health-information storage means EMR [Electronic Medical Record] that is created an electronic data repository in an organization, medical care, such as providing a hospital or clinic. EMR allows for the storage, retrieval and processing of records. Use the fourth practicing doctors in the United States, EMR, only less than 10% haveComplete EMR system that includes all the basic functions of 4, ie, computerized orders for prescriptions, computerized orders for tests, reporting of test results and physician firm.

EHR and All About It:

The beginning of a new era is here. With the advent of electronic patient record [electronic health record are], the accuracy of transcribed reports go on to reach a new level. ECA has an advantage over EMR as being accumulated an aggregate of electronic records of health information over time, theInformation can be transferred to and reach within the healthcare organization. These records were all relevant medical history, medication and allergies, immunization status, laboratory results, radiology images and information, billing status of a person or a population which would in turn improve patients - treatment and care. Not to forget, and the cumbersome storage papers and reports, to ensure easy storage and retrieval of health information at any timegiven time. Another advantage is that information is updated and exchanged among practitioners and healthcare organizations with ease. ECA is committed to one of the means for medical transcription services to new heights to be.

Legal security:

Data of these medical records are protected by privacy law. On the basis of laws and ethics, creates an electronic patient record and only by the creator and custodian of the record, like a healthcare practice or maintainAsset. The physical medical records remain the property of the medical provider and can not be tampered with in any way. However, HIPAA [Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act], the patient has the information and the contents of the records, and is legally permitted to view the originals and get copies of them.

How fast?

It was officially stated that all doctors and other health practitioners are using CCHIT [Certification Commission forHealth Information Technology] certified EHR by the year 2011. Those who will not do so are punished, and those who are on the first switch to be recognized with incentives, etc. The latest statistics on adoption and use of Electronic Health Records are based on the government-sponsored study report New England Journal of Medicine published. He reported that only 9% of practices have fewer than 3 doctors switched to the EPA. On the other hand, practices with 50or more physicians have shown a 50% EHR use. Medical Transcription companies can for a better organized and more detailed longitudinal reports of patients who can remain as long-term documents that can be produced and referred to whenever the need arises.

SpectraMedi and you:

SpectraMedi is an American Medical Transcription Company, founded in 1999. A decade into the trust business in the acquisition of more than 400 people led. We provide the needs of the variousHealth care organizations and professionals by providing efficient medical transcription services. Associated with the emergence of the EHR has the ability to provide medical reports transcribed by a rapid and almost 100% error-free reports that can be accessed with ease. SpectraMedi plans for the supply of funds for the creation of CCHIT Certified Electronic Health Records [EPA] health care professionals, hospitals and clinics through their medical transcription industry in the near future.This will ensure a steady workflow to ensure a faster and achieve the objectives above and organized by the simpler arrangement and storage of data. Our team of medical transcriptionists is efficiently transcribe and upload the data in a short period of time. The future of medical transcription services will electronically be brighter and better.

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