
Direct Access takes the place of VPN for Windows Seven

Microsoft has introduced Direct Access for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 remotely to users in the workplace as if they were right. Establishing two-way connections with companies from the user's network, consider that this solution is connected to their office, a bridge, when assuming the user's computer - it is activated by Direct Access - is connected to the Internet.

As the workforce changed, with the information age develops an incredible rate, the needsan organization to adapt accordingly. More and more employees are from remote locations, the advances in Internet technology and provide them with a the possibility of a place outside of work - home, business meetings abroad, etc.

The mobility of our staff has for the success of these companies has helped drive our economy, with new technologies to facilitate the continuous productivity of the employees whose presence in the office is no longer a necessary component in the operationsan efficient and profitable company. By 2011, increased the number of mobile workers is expected to have 30.4 percent (IDC, "Worldwide Mobile Worker Population 2007-2011 Forecast, Doc # 209,813, December 2007).

While the technology has contributed to outgrowth of wireless communication with the Internet as the backbone for the progress that impede corporate security - specifically, firewall - access to resources that have an office at home. This represents aSeries of questions, not least of which mandated access to the network from which IT professionals with the management of the enterprise network.

In the past, VPN (Virtual Private Network) solution that has been recruited for this purpose. However, as any IT professional will tell you to use a VPN can prove complicated. VPN users must authenticate to wait, a process that the end user expect to be able to see what generally amounted to several minutes. IfInternet connectivity is lost, the VPN connection is disconnected, the user to repeat the authentication. With solutions that has already cope with fewer features and more problems, VPN, the de facto solution, despite its problems.

Overcoming the challenges of VPN, Direct Access, immediately creates a bidirectional connection between the user's PC and their work network. With Windows 7, the Direct Access Clientrecognizes the connection to a network. The client is called Direct Access, then connect to an intranet site during the early configuration of the Direct Access. The process is seamless and automatic. Unlike VPN, authentication, which requires any use of authenticated Direct Access to the computer before the user even tried to access the network.

Easy to use as a VPN, is the efficiency of the Direct Access, a boon to the productivity of the workforce of a company. With atransparent connection to their corporate network, the employee no longer see the annoying continuous process that many of the use of VPN is sour. Direct access to information on the company network - intranet applications, file shares - available where employees have an Internet connection for your portable computer that can access not only from their home country connection.

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