
Ask your customers for your thoughts

As a coach or mentor, you are familiar with the feedback models and feedback to your customers. But how often do you have to contact your customers for feedback on your coaching and mentoring? Some trainers and mentors, ask for references from their customers at the end of their coaching or mentoring sessions can, some have a questionnaire that they ask their clients to complete when the coaching or mentoring is done, but how many of you ask for feedback in any coaching and mentoringSession?

As a coach or mentor, it is very important to be open to regular feedback from your customers so you can take your coaching and mentoring to a higher level, an experienced and reflective practitioner, so you change your coaching or mentoring as a reaction on the feedback and the services that will improve you to your customers. I have a few ideas below, summarizes the data may ask you to help feedback from your customers:

WaitFeedback - At the end of each coaching or mentoring session in sufficient time to ask your customers for feedback.

Imagine asking open-ended questions - to produce a feedback from your customers have questions. You'll probably find it is good to have a few questions prepared.

Ask for feedback on the results, process and relationship - try When asked your questions and cover all aspects of coaching or mentoring, including the results of the process and Relationship.

Listen to the feedback - If your client is the feedback they hear all the way through without interruption.

Do not defensive - Do not jump to get a defensive reaction, or try and explain in detail why you did something.

Say thank you - Thank you for your customer feedback.

Ask for feedback, if not given - If you would like some feedback so that the> Customer has not mentioned, then you're not afraid to ask.

Ask what you want to do differently - the client may have certain preferences, leaving it to them and asks what they do differently next time you like.

Discuss the feedback - After listening to client feedback to discuss with the customer in a positive way. If you have received negative feedback, discuss how you plan to change thingsfor the next time.

Do not be afraid to ask for feedback - If you have not already, you ask your customers for feedback, you can find it frightening. Once you begin to ask, however, you will notice that it is not so bad and all you get a lot of positive feedback.

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