How profitable customers close, instead of Chasing Them
After a sales team from nowhere to number one built in the country, I know how hard it is to get the profitable customers, believe me, I know what you are through!
Selling is always a lot harder these days, and it will continue to get tougher in the coming months. Get a leg on the competition by understanding the buyer-seller dance and you can sell in any kind of economic environment.
Particularly alarming are the headlines such as:
Private Sector Sheds203,000 jobs, unemployment reached 9.9%, The Wall Street Journal
But you can not afford to close the place and wait to improve the economy. You still have to pay bills, make payroll and do not forget to pay taxes to ouch,! How to win profitable customers in this business climate?
Traditionally, an entrepreneur will go through a process that begins with the sale of "qualifying" a potential customer. In essence, the seller is looking for a fit with the needs of potential clients,as far as it relates to the goods and services that can offer the seller. Legitimate questions that are asked in general, include the question of alliteration: the prospect of the time, talent and treasure is to buy what I offer?
Unfortunately, if the seller is desperate to sell, as the difficult economic times we go through now that the buyer takes signals to the despair that the vendor tax and the buyer-seller begins to dance. For each step in the traditional marketsProcess, there is a counter step suggest the buyers that usually ends with heavy price concessions or worse, free advice (which is doubly painful).
The suspect is moving exchange for qualifying buyers, the seller "deceptive intent." Why would anyone confuse to the seller? Since this is an almost reflexive action, even defensively, to what may be a sales pitch coming from a seller interested in selling a quick high pressure. (Think of an opening buyer-sellerDance move in a shop: sellers: Can I help you? Buyer: No thanks, I'm just looking.)
It is important to understand that in order to gain profitable customers, the seller must in controlling the distribution from beginning to end. However, if the buyer-seller dance begins, it is the buyer, and, most often in control of the sales process, and usually disappears no sale made.
The antidote accidentally slipping into the buyer-seller dance is that theTo ask the seller, open-ended questions, allowing the buyer to the seller shares with the problems that the buyer before. Here is an amazing secret: It is the seller's ability ceases the sale of land. The buyer wants to solve a problem not hear a sales pitch at a dose of a product features and benefits, pricing pressures and overcoming the objections that as a rule of the hard-charging vendors comes. (Remember the last time was an auto dealership, a car, buy where the shopsHUGE!)
Good open-ended questions require more of a description and explanation of the buyer. And here is another important outlet secret is revealed: The person to ask questions is to take control of the meeting. If you speak more than 30% of the time in a sales pitch, you are not in control of the sales process. Nothing good happens for the buyer or seller if the seller is talking too much.
Here are some examples of good open-ended questions: If the squeak, then oneWhat happened? What have you done this before? If you absolutely need this by done? What is important for you before you know your decision? What is your budget range? Are other people involved in the decision? Why are you leaning in that direction?
TAKE ACTION: What are at least three good open questions that come with the company for you?
In difficult economic times, when new profitable customers are hard to come by, it is essential that you improve yourSelling skills. As a seller, you should avoid, in the buyer-seller dance and win in an honest-win, problem-solving discussion with the prospect. Not all of his talk you will be qualified for your services and that a great relief to know sooner than later will.
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