
DVR Capture Card Software

Most DVR cards for computers that are used as part of a surveillance system installed. What to do, this card images, they are sent by surveillance cameras and then transfer and monitor this information on a disk. But for the system to function properly, a computer must have the right kind of DVR capture card software installed on it.

Luckily, today, if a person decides to have a DVR capture card installed in order totheir PCs, they will also be placed with the right kind of software available as well. Such software should be the user with the following functions: --

1. It should be in a position at the side of all USB and Parallel Port cameras are working properly and equipment that can detect with Windows and any type of frame grabber boards are functioning, and TV-compatible, too. Plus should be able to work in conjunction with a system that uses network IP cameras.

2. The software should be able to live video broadcastat any time at a rate of 30 frames per second.

3. What should be used with any good surveillance system software for more than one camera allows the recording and broadcasting, which will cover them at all times.

4. Every time the camera is turned on and the film that is recording the images from the camera in question was the date and time stamped and recorded in the current situation, the images from these cameras at any time.

5. There are several software programs available thatautomatically sends the user an electronic mail if it is any kind of movement has been detected and allows the user to see the emergence of a remote location. Plus, as soon as any kind of movement is detected, it starts automatically collect and store the data that was collected for.

6. Another feature that you should be in the election on the lookout for a good DVR capture card software for your surveillance system a manner that the host prevents place as soon asthere is no available space on the hard drive to do. Such a program should also have the user that this has happened and that they are able to transfer the information to another drive, and thus clear the drive where the information is first stored, allowing the system to work again correct.

If you do the things mentioned above can find the DVR capture card software program that you will find a perfectly meets your needs.


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