What is Eye Tracking?
Did you ask yourself, what is eye tracking? It is always very popular these days, so no doubt you have heard a little about. But there can be a confusing topic. Whether you're interested in learning more about eye tracking for use in your career or just for your own curiosity, this article will give you a brief overview of what eye tracking is and how it is used.
The first theme in what is the eye-tracking technology. Eye-tracking applicationsTo monitor computers, videos and software, eye movements. You can choose eye movements when a particular ad campaign is displayed, or when a traumatic event is raised in life, or monitoring after head injury. With a machine that records eye movements before the pictures shown during the ad, and stopped after the display, including time spent discussing the ad, you can record eye movements and responses to a computer for further analysis.
The next step in the eyeTracking is to analyze the data. Earlier this was the hardest part of the process where an expert would be required. But today's technology and computer software makes this part of the process fairly simple. The software can analyze the movements that had previously given, during and after the test and results will include. These results can be compared to each other with the results of other people can examine to see differences in the responses to age, gender, etc.
If you are fascinated by the eyeTracking and think this procedure might be even interested in, you have many options. If you are looking to use video eye-tracking research in advertising, you have to spend a large sum of money to a system to ensure that the amount of people that you can analyze in screening for interested get. Of course, in the long run is the money you invest is worthwhile because you will be able to get more customers, if you have extended evaluation
On the other hand, ifThey are interested in using eye-tracking on a smaller level, in your private psychological practice, for example, you can build a system that will easily and inexpensively. All you need is a computer, the eye-tracking equipment and the eye-tracking software. Or you have no use of eye-tracking at this time. Even if you've never information about what to use eye tracking, it is nevertheless important to be up-to-date on the brain analysis for the future.
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