Virtual Private Network
The word "technology" has its origins in the Greek. Technology is a result of science and technology. It is the kind of human beings to improve their environment.
One method is involved - effectively making use of tools and machinery for the task. Over time we have a rapid growth and changes in technology such as PCs, podcasts, audio-and videoconferencing, observed electronic teaching centers, etc. A move between the different technologies is the Virtual PrivateNetwork.
A VPN is a private network that uses a public network like the Internet to remote sites and users together. A VPN uses "virtual" connections over the Internet from the company's private network, the remote site or employee will be forwarded.
Conduct a public network like the Internet can VPN traffic on specific standard protocols. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the VPN client and the VPN service provider pulled ok the existence of an enabling service providers, private network.
Advantages of a VPN:
* Improved safety and productivity
* Simplified network topology
* Lower operating and transportation costs
* Fast Return on Investment
* Extensive connectivity around the world
* Reliable
* Secure
* Scalable
* Network and Policy Management
Types of> VPN:
1. Remote Access VPN
2nd Intranet VPN
3rd Extranet VPN
1st Remote Access VPN:
Remote Access VPN is a user-to-LAN (Local Area Network) connection from an organization whose employees need to be used on the private network from remote locations together.
The remote access VPN saves the expense of free spending and secure (encrypted tunnels over a public network such as theInternet), scalable
2nd Intranet VPN (Interconnecting corporate websites):
The Intranet VPN helps with the cost savings over dedicated, leased lines. There are tunnel connections and encryption, which allows a reliable throughput.
3rd Extranet (VPN connection between the company's Web site (s) to external business partners or suppliers)
Extranet VPN extends WAN (Wide Area Network) to business partners.
The most important part of a VPN solution is security. A VPN helps by private data over public networks, and this raises concerns about the risks to the data and the impact of data loss. A virtual private network must have the freedom to provide services in the field of security authentication.
Authentication ensures that a user or a system that pretends to be the user. Security is guaranteed.
Authentication mechanisms:
* Login name, password,PIN (Password - specified number of digits, followed by 8 bits, the constant changes at regular intervals)
* A computer-readable characters, such as a smart card
* Fingerprint, iris or retinal pattern
Tunneling is a very important part of a VPN. Tunneling is about a package in another package and sends it over a network. The network (such as the Internet) through which the packet is sent, and * tunnel-understand interface, the protocolthe outer package.
Protocols used in tunneling:
* Carrier protocol - The protocol used by the network that the information about travel
* Encapsulating protocol - The protocol (GRE, * IPSec, L2F, PPTP, L2TP), which is wrapped around the original data
* Passenger protocol - The original data (IPX, NetBEUI, IP) being carried
Example: A package that a protocol not on the supported applicationsthe Internet, such as NetBEUI is within an IP packet can be placed and will be safely sent over the Internet.
Given the current business trend scenario development that increased commuting / teleworking and broad global operations, with employees who connect to central resources from remote locations to communicate with each other to how the VPN technologies prove to be very useful and important .
* Tunnel Interface: The two points at which the packetenters and leaves the network.
* IPsec is the security of the IP standard, which is supported by the client. Performs IPsec packet-by-packet authentication and end-to-end encryption. In addition, IPsec support IP in IP Encapsulation for Network Address Translation.
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